Two weekends ago I headed up with 7 friends to Vancouver for the weekend. We stayed at a hostel downtown and had a great time. Above is a picture of all of us in Stanley Park which we explored our first day there. Some of the group went to a hockey game and then we hit up the nightlife which was really fun. This was my first hostel experience and although it wasn't quite the Hilton, I would do it again.
Last week I started house-sitting for my boss who is in Vietnam for two weeks. I am currently staying at her house with her cats in Capitol Hill which is a gorgeous area of Seattle. It is wonderful to get to know another neighborhood in the city.
Work is going wonderfully. I am continuing to work 40 hours a week plus 5 to 10 extra hours on the special grant through the March of Dimes. It is a lot of work but I am learning so much and feel like I am gaining great experiences. I have begun the job hunt out here b/c I like it so much. Last week I turned in my first application at Children's Hospital and am continuing to find opportunities.
This past weekend, I attended a Microsoft party at Nectar (a nightclub). Microsoft has social groups that put on activities throughout the year and since a couple friends work for them, we went to this party. It was a really great time and I met tons of new people. This picture above is the main group of girls I have been hanging out with that attended the party. From left to right, Vicky, Joey, Danielle, Shannon, Me, and Leah.
I had off on Monday for President's Day so Danielle, a new friend Matt, and I went up to Steven's Pass to go skiing/snowboarding. Steven's Pass is about an hour and a half north east of Seattle. We had a fabulous time with blue skies and the slopes weren't too crowded. The only bad part is that I am still really sore!
Yesterday, I had my first day of crew class. Shannon, Danielle, and I signed up to take a learn to row class on Lake Union. It was really fun! The class meets 3 times a week. This week we are using simulators in the boat house but next week tuesday is our first day out on the water...hopefully no one goes overboard!
Other than that, I am continuing to explore the city and loving it!